Sundays used to be a chaotic day in my house. Laundry would be piled high, dishes overflowing out of the sink, the fridge would be empty, the house a mess….you get the idea. All I could do was look around my house and think “where do I even begin?!” I would go to bed feeling stressed and anxious about another busy week ahead of me of work, sports practices, meetings, and just regular chores for house upkeep.
I knew something needed to change, and that is when I discovered the power of a Sunday Reset.

A Sunday Reset is a simple, intentional routine that helps busy moms start the week fresh with less stress and more order.
A Sunday Reset can be done in just 5 easy steps:
Step 1: Reflect and Plan

- Take 5-10 minutes and reflect on your past week.
- This step is essential for me. I enjoy looking back and reflecting because it allows me to not only think of all the good things that happened, but also gives me a chance to reflect on times when I wasn’t my best and what I can do to improve myself in the coming week.
- Look ahead.
- Look at your upcoming week and take note of any appointments, school events, sporting events, social plans, and major to-dos that you have scheduled.
- Grab a planner or notepad and jot everything down.
- I am definitely a pen and paper type of gal. I love planners and notebooks. I’ve tried every possible planner out there and the best advice I can give you is the simpler the planner, the better it is.
- What has been working for me lately is writing down all my to-do’s on a notepad, then creating a note on my phone in a checklist form. Since I don’t always carry a notebook with me, my phone makes more sense because I can simply check off the task when I finish it. (My favorite part!)
Step 2: Tidy Up Key Spaces

- Focus on high-traffic areas.
- Your house doesn’t have to be spotless 24/7. To be honest, that is an unrealistic expectation, no matter what social media tries to tell you. Everybody has messy spaces in their house. It can relieve a lot of stress though if your main areas are picked up. In my house, the high-traffic areas are my kitchen, pantry, mudroom, and living room. These are the spaces where we spend the most time as a family and they can get messy very quickly! Focus on the areas where you and your family spend the most time and start with those areas first.
- “Quick Pick-Up”
- This is something that you and your family can all get together on and make it a game! Set a timer for a length of time, usually 15-20 minutes and go around the house and pick up anything that is out of place. Our family loves to play this game because we try to see who can pick up the most items. I’ve never seen my kids clean as fast as they do when we play this game!
- Freshen Up!
- Swap out dish towels, bath towels, dishcloths, fluff any pillows and light a nice scented candle for that fresh clean-slate feeling.
Step 3: Meal Plan and Prep

- Plan 5 simple dinners.
- Meal planning can always seem like a daunting task. One way you can make it less stressful is to just keep things simple! In our house, Thursdays are always leftover night and Fridays are typically pizza night. With those two days already taken care of, I typically only have to plan 3 different meals!
- Prep anything you can.
- Wash and chop fruits and veggies, marinate any proteins you are using for the week, and create grab-and-go snacks for those busy evenings running errands.
- Create a grocery list
- Having a list is key. By making a list, you avoid having to go to the grocery store during the week and spending unnecessary money.
Step 4: Laundry

- Sort and start 1 load
- Do that load from start to finish. That way you are not playing catch-up during the week.
- Pick out your outfit for the next day (or week!)
- Mornings are hectic at my house. By setting out my clothes the night before, it eliminates one more thing I have to think about.
Step 5: Reset Your Mind

- Take time for yourself.
- Whether it is 10 minutes or 2 hours, it is very important to take time from yourself and turn off all the noise that comes with motherhood. On Sundays, I like to shut things down at 6pm. This allows me to have dinner with my family, spend some quality time with them and also sneak in some relaxation for myself. Do what calms you. Read, journal, breathe, watch a movie, go on a walk, the options are endless!
- Set an intention for the week.
- Focus on something that you want to do better this week. For me, I focus a lot on patience. My patience can run pretty thin nowadays and usually by the end of the week, I have no patience left! This is something that I am working on continuously. Some weeks I feel great, while other weeks it feels like I am back at square 1. Write it on a post-it note and stick it somewhere where you can read it daily.
- Early Bedtime
- Go to bed at a decent time so that you are well rested for the week ahead! Your body will thank you for that!
A Sunday Reset can have many benefits not only for you, but for your family as well. It can help your home and your mind feel refreshed so that you are ready to tackle whatever the week throws at you!
I encourage you to try a Sunday Reset in your home and tweak it to fit your needs. What works for you may not work for someone else, you know your family best!
Here’s to finding joy in the chaos–one day at a time.
With love,
Do you have a Sunday Reset routine? Share your tips in the comments!